Connect with the best companies in the world

Certify your skills and get your first job in tech

Your academic qualifications and previous experience do not matter, your skills do.

If you are interested in the tech space and are looking to:

Certify your skills in a simple way

Work in leading companies

Be part of the largest US talent community.

Of the certified Alkymers who got a job

Companies from all over the world are looking for talent on Alkemy’s platform.

Skills for you to become certified

What else will you get at Alkemy?

Get trained in the skills to get your next job!
Mejora tu perfil profesional de la mano de expertos.
Join the largest tech community!
En Alkemy ya somos más de 100.000 talentos tech conectando con empresas de todo el mundo.
Understand your technical level based on your professional profile!
Más de 200 habilidades disponibles para que seas evaluado.
Exercise your soft skills to take them to the next level!
Entrena habilidades como comunicación, trabajo en equipo y liderazgo.

Alkemy is greatbecause you can make mistakes and it will be fine. Because it’s a safe environment where you can practice and make mistakes. It’s the path to your first job.

Alejandro Machulsky, Alkemy talent

Thank you Alkemy and all the team, I’m so happy to have been able to evaluate my skills.

Chiara Lina Casadei, Alkemy talent

Alkemy gives you the push you need to fine tune those things you’ve learned.

Gabriel Rodriguez, Alkemy talent

Thank you Alkemy for giving me the opportunity to evaluate my knowledge and allowing me to grow professionally as a developer.

Andrea Acuña, Alkemy talent