Eficientiza tus programas de Contratación Masiva

Un programa de selección masiva exitoso depende de la combinación perfecta entre tecnología avanzada y una gestión integral en cada etapa del proceso.

Do you want to optimize your mass hiring processes?

Alkymetrics's Benefits for Mass Hiring Processes

  • Reduce screening times

By assessing skills from the outset, candidates who do not meet the pre-selection requirements are automatically filtered out.

  • Reduce biases

Measuring skills eliminates unconscious biases, ensuring a fairer selection process based on actual performance.

  • Be scalable

Skills assessment allows for the efficient management of a large volume of applicants without compromising the quality of the selection, making it ideal for mass hiring processes.

  • Optimize resources

The automation of assessments allows recruiters to focus on the critical stages of the process, such as interviews and negotiations, making more efficient use of human resources.


Nuestros casos de éxito en contrataciones masivas


Caso Despegar: Programa de Jóvenes Profesionales para conocer a los líderes del futuro

Descubre cómo a través del Programa de Jóvenes Profesionales apostaron al talento junior y formaron a los futuros líderes de sus equipos de tecnología.

Talento Digital Case for Chile: How to Efficiently Manage Mass Hiring Processes

Discover how they managed over 20,000 applications to evaluate quickly, provide prompt assistance to candidates with questions or difficulties in the process, and achieve selection based on objective criteria (avoiding biases).

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